Oslo Workshop:
The Bamboo Body - Acrobatics & Grooves

EARLY BIRD (Before Nov 1)
1 Day: 400 NOK
2 Day: 700 NOK

After Nov 1:
1 Day: 500 NOK
2 Day: 800 NOK

Saturday Nov 30th : 10.00 - 14.00
Sunday Dec 1st: 10.00 - 14.00

Hosted by Oslo Parkour Park

A Two-day Workshop for Movement Enthusiasts & Dancers.
We will learn how to move in and out of the floor with ease and grace, acquaint ourselves with an accessible approach to acrobatics, work on coordination and music theory applied to a physical practice.

1. We will learn how to move in and out of the floor with ease and grace and acquaint ourselves with a literal and accessible approach to acrobatics. We will work on strength and mobility exercises as well as rolls, slides and twists. I apply elements from Capoeira, Martial Arts and Contemporary Dance, to hopefully change your perspective on what floorwork and acrobatics can be.

2. Secondly, we will work on my practice of relaxation and coordination which includes shaking, meditation and tools for increased body awareness, mobility training, squat work, irregular strength exercises as well as coordination work.

1. Conditioning for dancers: My thoughts on building a strong body in a world of constant, physical work. Thoughts on whether there is good and bad technique and how one stays develops strength while staying flexible.

2. Acrobatics for dancers
A Step by step approach as opposed to 'just throwing yourself and taking risks'. The sensations of acrobatics and the mechanics as well as thoughts on showing off in one's own dance practice.

3. Applied rhythm theory: Music theory applied to a physical practice, with tasks developed specifically for dancers. These tasks allow the practitioner to get a physical understanding of music and how to compose movement rhythmically, with or without music.

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