Both Sophia and Thais have a background in Capoeira as well as Asian martial arts. For the last three years we have been collaborating as choreographers for the Danish junior company Gerlev Performance Team. We aim to balance a playful and creative approach to our work mixed with discipline and rigorous training.

Performer: Thais Hvid. Also featuring: Sophia Mage, Ida Haugen, Jonas Örknér, Ottavio Ferrante, Gerd Kaisa Vorren, Åsne Storli, Dominik Feistmantl, Charlotte Petersen, Annemieke Bruens, Lena Schattenberg, Guy Nader, Maria Campos, Roser Tutusaus and Magí Serra Foraste. Edit: Loui Giagomello Filming: Thais Hvid, Amanda Hjernø and Ida Haugen. Music: Traingle by BadBadNotGood

It was May, we moved! Also a few other recent clips.

A collaboration between Thais Hvid and Amanda Hjernoe. Filmed in an empty school to see what we could make of it.