Is something I'm trying really hard to move away from in the world of dance!

Dancers are incredibly capable and versatile movers throwing themselves on the floor, carrying other people around and bending their bodies in impossible angles and yet they often talk about the body as something very fragile.

"Don't put weight on the knees!" - I guess BJJ people didn't get the memo.
"Jumping on concrete gives you shinsplints!" I guess parkour people didn't get the memo. . "If it makes your back hurt, it's inherently dangerous!" - Then working in an office is inherently dangerous for many people...

MAYBE, don't do things like a fanatic at all times: Dose your stress appropriately, cycle it, push yourself a bit beyond at times and then take proper rest (away from the people, your goals and your phone at other times.
Doing this, I believe, you can adapt to almost everything. .

Everyone has pain and injuries from time to time just like everyone gets sad and angry at times so let's not treat injuries like something alien.

Dancers are amazing movers/artists who once in while get overworked - let's enjoy the "amazing mover" part a bit more!

To be continued